10 prototypes of the Messenger Bag [VIDEO] | The Messenger bag design process 0/3
The steps of Lady Harberton’s messenger bag design : The prototypes
I created the Lady Harberton Messenger Bag especially for you, the women by bike. So you don’t have to choose between style and functionnality and to make cycling an easy everyday transportation for you.
What a challenge ! Designing both a beautiful handbag for women and adapted for your everyday cycling life. A handbag that reminds us the most beautiful pieces of leathers goods we do so well in France AND that allows you to live actively as you like everyday.
I made almost 10 prototypes to come to the final version of theMessenger bag. design process was an iterative way of working : each new prototype to improve the previous one. I looked and tested carefully each of them to confirm the concept, the use, the manufacture…
Paper, adhesive tape, second hand hooks, curtains plastic rings, gathered fabric here and there, all sorts of leather… Almost all the materials that I could use !
It was a long way of designing : From the interviews of users to the last prototype made by the leather manufacture in France to confirm the manufacturing process. I’ll tell you soon everything about it ! Follow the next articles of the blog…
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