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When I am grown-up… Cycle stories n°1

par | 18 Nov, 2016

The Cycle stories (Storicyclettes in french), by Gary Maël for Lady Harberton

Lady Harberton & the french illustrator Gary Maël (Lille, North of France) join together to tell you stories with humour and poetry about life moments on our bicycles in the city. We named the series of the Cycle stories in french : “Les storicyclettes”, like small stories of ladies on their bike in the city. We present you the first of the Cycle stories : When I am grown-up…
grown-up Cycle stories 1 Gary Maël

With Gary Maël, we wanted to make a reference to the situations we already lived on our bike in the everyday life. Some moments that you maybe have already lived as well. This moments by bike seen with a pinch of humour or poetry, sometimes inspiring, sometimes touching or even annoying, especially for the one who is not on the bike…

Discover from now and every two weeks on fridays, a new illustration inspired by the bicycle moments in cities.

Remember, remember… 

For the first part of the series, we wanted to start with one of our first memory by bike.

I actually don’t remember myself exactly when I started to cycle. For sure It was when I was very young and I was wandering the pavement with my small bike equipped by small wheels to have the balance. I still remember some of moments of my young life by bike. One of the most memorable is, I think, the day I finally got the cycle with the small wheels ! I can still remember how proud I was to find my balance on my own ! A sensation of freedom and independence !

After this moment when I really started to cycle like an adult, other followed, like pedaling as fast as I could to catch up the baker truck to buy bread (I grew up in a small village where there was no bakery), or the hard times when I had to pedal in the sand, the fear of the hills with the school trip,…

When I am grown-up, I will have a beautiful bike…

And then, there is the moment when you are confident enough and you already think about the time you’ll be able to ride an adult bicycle… I still recall the racing bicycle that was so large for me that I had to stand up on the pedals to move forward !

Who has ever tried the beautiful bike of her mum ? Like you try to walk with high heels 10 times too large and too high for you… And imagine you are 15 years older, a beautiful and confident women like her mother… A young girl dream about being free and independent, when we are grown-up… !

And you, what are your best old memories about cycling ?

Drawing author : Gary Maël – french illustrator and feminine cyclist


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